Jose Vicente Sáez

Jose Vicente is an R&D Software Engineer currently based in Spain, whose passion for urbanism drove his interest in technology, that's why his career has been directed to the intersection between Artificial Intelligence and IoT (AIoT).

The last few years he has been deeply involved in the Smart Cities industry, going from the elevator industry in China, to the oil and gas industry where IoT and predictive maintenance are playing an important role, to modernization and decarbonization.

Jose Vicente is very committed to the role of the AI of things as a positive disruptor in society and in people's daily lives.

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List of articles

TinyML: Detecting Harmful Chemicals in Hostile Environments

TinyML has proven to be a powerful tool for implementing machine learning models in devices and environments with limited resources. In this article, we explore its potential in the refinery and chemical sector.

Industry at the Edge

The role of TinyML in the industry: Overview

We have seen especially during the last few months how model releases with billions of parameters requiring high processing power have been reproduced. On the other hand, there is also a growing trend that revolves around the ability to run lightweight models in real-time without the need for constant connection on low-power devices such as microcontrollers, sensors, and other embedded systems which is also revolutionizing the AI industry. This trend is known as TinyML.

Industry at the Edge