Barbara posts

Ten Basque Companies join together to develop solutions that protect electricity grid from cyber-attacks

Under the name SEC2GRID, Barbara together with Ingeteam, Iberdrola, Ormazabal, Arteche, PwC, Zigor ZIV, Ikerlan and the GAIA Cluster will provide cybersecurity to the electricity grid. A collaborative framework composed of competing companies that will extend to 2024 with a total investment of €6.4 million.


Optimized Retraining Guide for MLOps

In general, it is important to clearly understand your business requirements and the problem you are trying to solve when determining the best approach to automate the retraining of an active machine learning model. It is also important to continuously monitor the performance of the model and make adjustments to the retraining cadence and metrics as needed.


Barbara participates in new R+D Hazitek projects, promoted by SPRI and supported by the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF)

Barbara is currently actively participating in a series of Research and Development projects promoted by the Basque Business Development Agency (SPRI) and supported by the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF).


Barbara and Advantech join forces to offer intelligent and secure perimeter devices

Under this framework of collaboration, Barbara´s cybersecurity and edge computing technology will run on Advantech devices. Likewise, Advantech will offer hardware that is pre-certified to run Barbara's secure OS, providing greater cybersecurity and usability on the installation, certification and maintenance processes of its devices.


Barbara and Mytra join forces to accelerate industrial digitization with deployment and orchestration of solutions at the edge

Barbara and Mytra Control sign an agreement whereby the Barbara Industrial Edge Platform will be in charge of orchestrating the Edge projects deployed by Mytra and its customers.


Cloud vs Edge: Where Should I Deploy My Application

In recent years, the debate between Cloud and Edge Computing has been a hot topic in the world of technology. While both technologies have their advantages and disadvantages, it can be challenging to determine which one is the best option for your application. In this article, we will take a closer look at both, their benefits and drawbacks, and ultimately answer the question: Cloud vs Edge, where should I deploy my application?

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